SAMHSA Report Outlines Key Elements of an SUD Core Curriculum
SAMHSA [4/10] - The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has announced a new report with core curriculum...
2024 TCA Spring Board Meeting in Washington, DC
June 11-12 | Exec. Cmte. June 10 | Dupont Circle Hotel - ROOM BLOCK
Legislation Would Modify How Preventive Health Bills Are Scored
U.S. House [2/06] - Last week, the House Budget Committee marked up H.R. 766, the Preventive Health Savings Act, which would modify how...
$28M in Grants Announced to Expand SUD Treatment Services
SAMHSA [2/02] - Recently, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced funding opportunities for...
Overdose Deaths Increased in Pregnant and Postpartum Women from Early 2018 to Late 2021
NIDA | Overdose deaths rose markedly between January to June 2018 and July to December 2021 among 10- to 44-year-old girls and women who...
California Announces Plan of Action Against Xylazine
KSBW | Gov. Gavin Newsom has announced California will crack down harder on a drug that’s typically used as an animal tranquilizer and...
DEA, HHS Extend Telemedicine Flexibilities Through 2024
DEA received more than 38,000 comments on its proposed telemedicine rules and continues to carefully consider the input received and is...
Pat Clay and Bob Neri featured in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly
TCA Executive Director Pat Clay and TCA member, Bob Neri, Senior Vice President of WestCare, were featured in the most recent issue of...
Senate Appropriators Advance Modest Substance Use, Mental Health Block Grant Increases in Spending B
Last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed a FY24 funding bill for several priority agencies including the Substance Abuse and...
SAMHSA Issues Advisory on Digital Therapeutics in Behavioral Health
SAMHSA recently released a new advisory on digital therapeutics for management and treatment in behavioral health. This advisory...
One Year Anniversary of 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
SAMHSA [18-July] | SAMHSA is marking the one year-anniversary since the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline was launched. In honor of...
Richard Pruss Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted!
TCA is committed to working with our members to support, prevent and alleviate the profound personal, social and economic consequences of...
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) Will Receive Charlie Devlin Award for Excellence at Upcoming TCA Fall
TCA has announced that this year's recipient of the Charlie Devlin Award for Excellence will be Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA),...
CDC Releases New Overdose Prevention and Surveillance Resources
CDC [30-Jun] | The CDC recently released new prevention and surveillance resources, including a report on overdose deaths from fentanyl...