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Membership Benefits
Receive TCA Newsletters and
Membership Directory

Representation in Washington DC
TCA meets regularly with the Administration and Senior Staff of federal agencies that are important to the addiction treatment field.
Advocacy activities that allow members’ concerns and needs to be heard by Federal policymakers within Congress and
the Administration.

& Materials
Preparation and materials for individual
Hill visits with your Congressional Representatives and Senators.
Action Alerts
& Updates
Receive action alerts and updates on pending policy issues, training opportunities and other national news.

Opportunities to attend conferences, summits, national meetings, trainings, technical assistance workshops
and webinars.
Research & Current Trends
Receive updates on research and
current trends in the field.

Professional Environment
Professional environment to brainstorm, share experiences, problem solve,
and discuss new trends, research
and technology.
Revenue Sharing Agreements
Premium revenue sharing agreements with vendors to provide members with quality services at discount prices.
Membership Information
Membership Rules
Memberships available include a Regular Membership (open to non-profit organizations only) and an Associate Membership (open to all individuals, associations, and interested parties).
Bill of Rights
Model TCA Program Members' Bill
of Rights
TCA Bill of Rights
Code of Ethics
TCA member agencies agree to the Guiding Principles identified in this Code of Ethics as a condition of membership.
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