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Outreach Opens Upcoming Trainings to TCA Members & Staff

Ann Tucker

In support of national TCA, Outreach (NY) has opened up some of its upcoming trainings to all TCA members, and your respective staffs/teams. Please use the links below, which are TCA-specific, to register for these training events, so that Outreach may identify registrants who sign up by way of TCA. Thanks Outreach!

Burnout and Self Care / Tue. November 8, 2022, 2-5:00pm ET

This course will explore the work-related challenges of burnout, vicarious traumatization, and compassion fatigue, and will engage participants in a discussion of work and personal practices that can be protective. Participants will have opportunities for sharing challenges they face in the workplace and brainstorm helpful coping strategies.

Trainer: Liliane Drago, MA, CASAC Master Counselor, MAC, AVP, Outreach Training Institute, Outreach Development Corporation

Crisis Prevention and Deescalation / Thu. December 8, 2022, 2-5:00pm ET

This course teaches participants to use Nonviolent Crisis Intervention by the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI). Participants learn to appropriately intervene at every level of a crisis, with emphasis on the identification of the early stages of a crisis and how to prevent its escalation. The use of verbal de-escalation and personal safety techniques is introduced and practiced. The overarching priority of this approach is to keep both clients and staff safe.

Trainer: Liliane Drago, MA, CASAC Master Counselor, MAC, AVP, Outreach Training Institute, Outreach Development Corporation


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